

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

CCNA Discovery 4 Chapter 2

Lab 2.1.3 Creating a Project Plan
Step 1: Evaluate the current network, operations, and network management infrastructure

Step 2: Outline the project plan
a.       To manage the project, the project plan includes five components. List these five components and an example of each, and then add them to the checklist.
Jawab :

1)    Tasks· (Install wireless Access Points, mengkonfigurasikan  router)
2)    Timelines and critical milestones· (kalender atau chart)
3)    Risks and constraints· (Temporary loss of services, budget)
4)    Responsibilities· (alokasi tugas)
5)    Resources required: (pengkabelan, perlengkapan, waktu, keterampilan khhusus)

b.       The plan needs to be within the scope, cost, and resource limits established by the business goals. List any potential issues that the FilmCompany may have to consider to meet these goals, and then add them to the checklist.
Jawab :

Sumber dana untuk membiayai proyek.
Apa yang dapat dicapai dalam batas waktu yang ada?

c.       The FilmCompany and the stadium management need to assign staff to manage the project from each of their perspectives. List the desirable skills and knowledge that these individuals should possess, and then add them to the checklist.

Jawab :

Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik
Keterampilan organisasi dan perencanaan yang baik
Pengetahuan layanan jaringan yang up to date
Pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis jaringan sekarang

d.      Save your Project Plan Checklist document. You will use it during the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection

Sometimes apparent urgency, pressure to present results, and enthusiasm for a project can create a work environment that causes projects to be started before proper planning has been completed. Consider and discuss the potential problems that result from starting a network upgrade before completely assessing the existing network.

Jawab :

·         Peralatan baru yang mungkin tidak kompatibel dengan peralatan yang ada.
·         Infrastruktur jaringan yang ada mungkin dapat menjalankan layanan baru.
·         Peralatan baru yang tidak perlu bisa dibeli.
·         Hilangnya layanan jaringan mungkin terjadi ketika upgrade berlangsung.
·         Waktu dan anggaran keuangan dapat melebihi batas.

Lab 2.1.6 Observing Traffic Using Cisco Network Assistant
Step 1: Establish the network baseline criteria

Network baselining is the measuring and rating of the performance of a network as it transports data in real time. A baseline is a type of "network snapshot" of the devices and their performance. Creating a baseline enables you to see the current network load and, by maintaining that baseline, identify network issues before they become critical. For example, with all the network routers baselined, including the CPU capability and usage, if gradual increases in CPU usage are noted, the issue can be addressed before network performance deteriorates.

List the devices in the lab network and the characteristics that should be monitored.
Jawab :

Router, Switches, PC Host, Server, Bandwidth
Step 2: Configure network connectivity

a.       Connect the devices in accordance with the given topology and configuration. Your instructor may substitute Discovery Server with an equivalent server for this lab.
b.      See your instructor regarding device configuration. If the devices are not configured, then from the Admin PC, establish a terminal session in turn to each switch and the router using HyperTerminal or TeraTerm. Configure these devices in accordance with the configuration details provided.
c.        Ping between all devices to confirm network connectivity. Troubleshoot and establish connectivity if the pings fail.

Step 3: Set up Cisco Network Assistant
a.       From the Admin PC, launch the Cisco Network Assistant program.
b.      Set Cisco Network Assistant to discover the network. One method is to establish a "community" of devices. From the Application menu, click Communities
c.       In the Communities window, click Create.
d.      In the Name field, enter FilmCompany.
e.       List the four options available in the Discover field:
Jawab ;

Sebuah perangkat tunggal dengan alamat IP
Perangkat menggunakan
seed alamat IP
Perangkat pada subnet
Perangkat dalam kisaran alamat IP

Step 4: Examine Cisco Network Assistant features

Cisco Network Assistant provides a range of features to display text and graphical information about the
network devices. From the topology view window, right click each device’s ID and select properties.
What protocol is used to discover and obtain the device information displayed?

Jawab ;

Cisco Discovery Protocol
Step 5: Examine sample Cisco Network Assistant output
Once devices are added to the community, the links can be monitored from the Monitor tab of Cisco Network Assistant.

Step 6: Clean up

This lab focused on monitoring individual devices in a network. Consider, research, and discuss the network factors that should be included in network baseline measurements.
 Jawab :

• Pengujian dan pelaporan konektivitas fisik
Pemanfaatan jaringan normal
• Pemanfaatan jaringan
• Penggunaan

Lab 2.3.2 Creating a Network Organization Structure
Step 1: Determine the network users

a.       Use word processing software to create a network organization structure document.
b.      Examine the FilmCompany case study document and the sample interview.
c.       Identify and list the potential end users.
Jawab :

Staf umum
Staf media produksi
Vendor, pemasok, dan mitra

Step 2: Assess impact of user network access

a.        Identify and include the different types of existing and potential new network services the listed users may require. Group the users under the type of network services they use.

Wireless, VOIP, management vlan, security, etc.

b.      The impact of adding new user groups to the network also needs to be assessed. Identify and include in the network organization structure document:
Jawab :

New user groups
The type of access required
Where access is allowed
The overall impact on security
c.       Save your network user structure document and network organization diagram and retain it for the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection

The total number of users has a direct impact on the scale of the network at the Access Layer. The type of users and the services they require also have implications for the network structure.
Discuss and consider the impact that the range of network services required by even a relatively small
number of users can have on the network structure.

Lab 2.3.3 Prioritizing Business Goals
Step 1: Determine the business goals
a.       Use word processing software to create a business goals document.
b.      From the sample interview in the FilmCompany case study document, identify and list the business goals that the network upgrade is expected to provide.
These goals can be Financial, such as:
·      Profitability – Can the project reduce costs or help the business avoid costs in the future?
·      Business growth and market share – Can the project help the business grow more efficiently or create competitive advantages?
Or the goals may be Strategic:
·      Customer satisfaction – Can the project improve the customer experience and increase customer loyalty?
·      Reputation and industry standing – Will the project develop specific core technology competencies in the organization?
c.       Identify and list at least four business goals from the case study interview.
Profitabilitas, pertumbuhan usaha, kepuasan pelanggan, dll

d.      Discuss these goals with another student, or in a group, to clarify understanding of the goals.
Step 2: Prioritize the business goals

Step 3: Reflection
Having prioritized the business goals as the stated objectives of a network upgrade project does not necessarily ensure that the project will be a success. These objectives need to be measured against success criteria to determine whether the business goals were achieved. Before a project can be declared a success, the objectives must be shown to have met the success criteria statements. Consider and discuss possible success criteria based on the business goals for the FilmCompany network upgrade.
·         Mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dengan ukuran setidaknya empat pada skala lima dalam waktu empat bulan setelah upgrade.
·         Meningkatkan volume media data sebesar 80% dengan 2 bulan penyelesaian upgrade.
·         Mencapai arus kas positif dari kontrak stadion dalam waktu 12 bulan.
·         Meningkatkan perputaran keuangan sebesar 75% dalam waktu 18 bulan.
·         Menanggapi 90% dari permintaan pelanggan media non-hidup produksi dalam waktu 12 jam dan 100% dalam waktu 18 jam.
·         Mengurangi biaya produksi unit dengan 15% selama 6 bulan dan 20% selama 12 bulan.
·         Temui pelanggan tinggal media target produksi 97,5% dari waktu.
·         Total biaya proyek tidak melebihi 105% dari anggaran awal.
·         Jadwal pengiriman aktual dalam 105% dari batas waktu awal.
·         Pengujian Load sukses dengan skala-sampai 10 pemakai bersamaan, dengan tingkat throughput data tanpa kurang dari 85% dari spesifikasi.
·         Setidaknya 75% dari komponen jaringan yang ada digunakan kembali

Lab 2.4.1 Establishing Technical Requirements
Step 1: Determine the technical requirements
a.       Use word processing software to create a technical requirements document.
b.      From the case study document and checklists developed in previous labs, identify and list the technical requirements that will enable the network upgrade to meet the FilmCompany business goals. The technical requirements document provides direction for the network designer in the
following decisions:

·       Selecting network equipment
·       Designing the topology
·       Choosing protocols
·       Selecting network services

c.       Discuss these technical requirements with another student, or in a group. Consider the range of
possible technical solutions to meet the business goals of the FilmCompany.
Step 2: Prioritize the technical requirements

The network designer works with the customer to create a prioritized list of technical requirements. This list will be used to define the project scope.

a.       Rank the list of technical requirements in order of priority. Base this ranking on the information in the case study document and discussion with other students.
It is useful to categorize the technical requirements into the following areas:
Availability and Performance
b.      List the ranked technical requirements in a table and assign a priority value as a percentage. The total of the percentage values must equal 100.

c.       Discuss your priority values with other students. If there are differences in priorities discuss why this has occurred and attempt to resolve them.

d.      Save your Project Prioritized Technical Requirements Checklist document and retain it for the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection

When discussing technical requirements with the customer, the network designer must consider the technical level of the audience. Technical terms and jargon may not be clearly understood by the customer. Such terms should either be avoided or tailored to the level of detail and complexity that the customer can understand.
Compile a list of networking technical terms and jargon that may need to be expressed or explained to a nontechnical business customer. Develop an explanation or definition for each term that a non-technical business customer can understand for the purpose of discussing a network upgrade with them.

Lab 2.4.2 Identifying Organizational Constraints
Step 1: Identify possible project constraints
a.       Use word processing software to create a project constraints document.
b.      Develop a list of possible constraints that set limits or boundaries on the network upgrade project by brainstorming ideas with other students.
Jawab :

Kendala bisa dalam bentuk pembelian perangkat keras yang tepat, mempekerjakan staf yang cukup untuk mengelola upgrade, sumber daya untuk melatih personil mengelola upgrade, biaya garansi. Saat ini kebijakan perusahaan mungkin menerapkan pembatasan untuk meng-upgrade jaringan dalam bentuk keamanan atau penggunaan. Apakah ada fungsi baru, seperti VPN, yang diperkenalkan dalam desain jaringan yang tidak konsisten dengan kebijakan pengguna dalam perusahaan saat ini? Apakah desain jaringan yang diusulkan akan selesai dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan? Bagaimana desain ini mempengaruhi TI lain atau proyek-proyek perusahaan lain?

c.       Classify each constraint as one of the four following types:

Step 2: Tabulate the relevant constraints

a.       Relate the list of constraints to the prioritized business goals of the FilmCompany.
b.      Develop a definitive list of items that apply specifically to the FilmCompany case study.
c.       Enter the constraints into a table.
d.      Save your Project Constraints Checklist document and retain it for the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection

The constraints imposed on this network design project are determined by the internal requirements of the FilmCompany. Consider and discuss external constraints. Include constrains that may be beyond the control of the business but which, in some circumstances, affect a network design project.


·         Kekurangan personil trampil  
·         Tidak tersedianya peralatan atau kabel dari spesifikasi teknis yang diperlukan
·         Kurangnya akomodasi ke rumah usaha yang diperluas dan infrastruktur jaringan
·         Terbatasnya akses ke WAN eksternal dan infrastruktur Internet

Lab 2.5.2 Monitoring Network Performance
Step 1: Configure network connectivity

record the cable connections and TCP/IP settings so these can be restored at the conclusion of the lab.
a.       Connect the devices in accordance with the given topology and configuration. Your instructor may substitute Discovery Server with an equivalent server for this lab
b.      See your instructor regarding device configuration. If the devices are not configured from the Admin PC, establish a terminal session in turn to each switch and the router using HyperTerminal or TeraTerm. Configure these devices in accordance with the configuration details provided.
c.       Ping between all devices to confirm network connectivity. Troubleshoot and establish connectivity if the pings fail.

Step 2 Set up Cisco Network Assistant

a.      From the Admin PC, launch the Cisco Network Assistant program.
b.      Set Cisco Network Assistant to discover the network. Establish a "community" of devices.

1)    From the Application menu, select Communities.
2)     In the Name field, enter FilmCompany.
3)    From the Discover drop-down list, select Devices in an IP address range.
4)    Enter the start and end addresses of the router and two switches.
Start IP address , jawab :
End IP address , jawab :

c.      Display the network topology and add the found devices to the community.
Step 3: Monitor network traffic

Examine the different bandwidth graphs for the network devices and determine what graphs are the most
useful for monitoring network traffic at this stage.

a.       Use PC1 to generate network traffic.
b.      Ping and telnet to Discovery Server.
c.       Open the Discovery Server home web page in a browser on PC1.
d.       Use FTP to download a file from Discovery Server.

Step 4: Review the data

Typical network monitoring would be performed over a period of time. Discuss with other students and record here what conclusions could be drawn from the limited information monitored in this lab. What area do you think requires more investigation before the information would be useful in planning a network upgrade?

Step 5: Clean up

Erase the configurations and reload the routers and switches. Disconnect and store the cabling. For PC hosts
that are normally connected to other networks (such as the school LAN or to the Internet), reconnect the
appropriate cabling and restore the TCP/IP settings.

Step 6: Reflection
The usefulness of monitoring network traffic and performance is maximized when the full range of network usage and service situations has been recorded. Consider and discuss when recorded network performance data should be considered for network design purposes and occasions when it should not be included.

Jawab :

Memastikan peristiwa luar biasa yang berefek terhadap lalu lintas jaringan dan kinerja yang tidak termasuk kriteria misalnya darurat sipil. Rentang waktu pemantauan perlu mencakup semua siklus bisnis puncak dan siklus bisnis non-puncak.

Lab 2.5.3 Investigating Network Monitoring Software
Step 1: SNMP overview

Simple Network Management Protocol is a common network management protocol. The protocol enables
network administrators to gather data about the network and corresponding devices. SNMP management
system software is available in tools such as CiscoWorks. SNMP management agent software is often
embedded in operating systems on servers, routers, and switches.

SNMP has four main components:
Management station
Management agents
Management Information Base (MIB)
Network management protocol

Descriptions of SNMP are available at:

As part of a network management system, SNMP tools can respond to network errors or failures in several ways. Generally, when a network fault occurs, or when predefined thresholds are met; the SNMP tools can react by:
Sending an alert on the network
Sending a message to a pager
Sending an email to an administrator

The FilmCompany is required to maintain a specified level of network service to meet its StadiumCompany contract obligations. They need to purchase network management software that enables them to monitor and manage the new upgraded network.

Step 2: Search for SNMP monitoring programs

a.       Using a computer with Internet access, use a web browser to search for examples of SNMP monitoring programs. Use search terms such as:
SNMP reporting
SNMP notification
SNMP monitoring

b.      List other appropriate search terms.
c.       Note and compare the features of a number of the monitoring programs found.
Key features:
Key features:

d.      Select a program that would be suitable for the FilmCompany network and give reasons for your selection. Discuss your choice of program with other students.

Step 3: Example SNMP program

An example SNMP monitoring program is Plixer Denika v7.
a.       Go to the website for this program at
b.      List the type of reports that this program can generate.
Jawab :

Laporan Pemanfaatan
Level Layanan

Laporan TOPn
Laporan Terjadwal
c.       Read the details for each type of report. Select the report type that would be most applicable to ensure a problem with the performance of the link carrying real time video data from the StadiumCompany to FilmCompany was addressed as soon as possible. Summarize the features of this reporting provided by this program.

Step 4: Reflection

Consider and discuss the organizational or business support necessary to make best use of network
monitoring programs with event-triggered notification features.

Jawab :

Ambang batas peristiwa dan kondisi yang memicu pemberitahuan harus disetel sehingga tidak perlu notifikasi tidak terkirim, tapi kondisi kritis dilaporkan dan pemberitahuan dikirim. Karyawan Perseroan yang harus diberitahukan baik secara teknis mampu mengatasi masalah ini dan tersedia untuk melakukannya ketika diberitahu. Hal ini akan membutuhkan tindakan perusahaan untuk memastikan bahwa staf terlatih dalam merespon proses, dalam keterampilan teknis, dan dalam mengatasi masalah dan pemecahan masalah. Daftar nama karyawan dan alokasi tugas perlu mempertimbangkan masalah ini.

1 komentar:

  1. Hei untuk rencana proyek filmstory dalam penemuan 4 Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda menyimpan rencana Anda kira untuk mengetik. Aku berharap bahwa Anda tidak keberatan saya melihat itu?
